There has been much talk about who is allowed to take pictures of children who are under 18 playing sport and in particular what parents/carers are permitted to do. In accordance with FA recommendations the Club would like to assure parents, carers, coaches, spectators and players that we encourage the taking of appropriate images of children in football. However, there are always certain situations that we need to be cautious of. Please click on the document below to read a document that the FA has published to make it clear what their recommendations are.
When your player joined the Club, the Registration Form included a checkbox for parents/guardians to indicate if they are happy for photos to be taken of their player. Where possible, every effort will be made to seek permission if a player image is used on our official website or open Facebook group, although this is not required unless you have checked this box. As a general rule, team Communications Managers will ask opposition managers if they are OK with match photos being taken on match days where other teams are likely to be in the images. Ultimately we will take a cautious non-risk approach to photography being taken.
Please be careful of sharing any photos on Social Media. As a general rule, if your player is the main focus of the shot and other players are not clearly identifiable then it is OK to share the image. If in doubt, please ask!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email info@woodsidefc.co.uk.