Every organisation knows that a good leadership team has a direct impact from the bottom of the business all the way to the top; it promotes and demonstrates desired behaviour and encourages the sharing of knowledge and information which ultimately has a positive impact for everyone involved. In our case, this 'positive impact' is not driven by financial results, but enables every player who joins Leighton Woodside to be inspired to play and learn the game, develop into the best player they can possibly be and compete at the highest standards for their team.
At Leighton Woodside, we're proud that our passionate and dedicated Committee is there to make sure every decision they make is always in the best interests of our players, parents, teams and Club. Our Committee members don't just 'sit in a white tower', making up rules and regulations and demand what can and can't happen at the Club. Almost all of our current Committee members are on the sideline every Saturday morning, either coaching players, chatting to parents, painting lines, putting up goals or simply observing how the players and teams are developing. This keeps them in touch with what's actually happening on the ground so that meaningful conversations and considered decisions can be taken at Committee meetings that happen every month.
In addition to the Committee meeting every month, every team official, including team managers, coaches and communication managers are welcome to attend the meetings. That gives the Committee every possible opportunity to hear what's happening around the Club at every level and age group.
And finally, the Committee welcome any feedback or ideas from anyone involved in the Club. If you have an idea or opinion or you just want something brought to the attention of the Committee you can do so by talking to any club official. If you want to discuss something in confidence, you can speak directly to a Committee member or email info@woodsidefc.co.uk.
As a Club we are required to have an official club structure and elected committee to fill these positions and we do so in a very open and transparent way. If you would like to get involved or elected onto the Committee, please talk to one of the existing Committee members who will be more than happy to discuss what area of the Club interests you and how you can get more involved. And remember, you don't have to be 'on the Committee' to volunteer to help out. You can read more about getting involved at Leighton Woodside FC here.
Our Committee exists to serve three purposes. These are:
To protect the Club for current and future players
To listen to, and act upon, the needs of players, parents and managers
To fulfil it's statutory duty as required by the Football Association (the FA)